What An Affair!

Today I volunteered at the Mothers Day Brunch at Bethel Woods where celebrity chefs made an appearance. I was the greeter and worked the door wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day.

What a delightful event!

Beautiful Venue
Celebrity Chefs
Meet and Greet

And the volunteers were allowed to eat after the event closed. Best Mother’s Day meal I’ve ever had.

Guess I’ll sign up for this each year.

Happy Mother’s Day

New Bathroom Floor

Today I hired different carpenters to install the bathroom floor. It is almost done after a few snafus with some rotten floor boards needing replacing. I now know why they had 3 inches of caulk around the toilet base,


Next week they will return to finish the gold strip around the perimeter of the vinyl floor,


While they were here I planted a vegetable garden. Hopefully the deer won’t eat the growth. Also purchased lilies of the valley as deer aren’t partial to them and they spread like wild fire. so good coverage.


It’s 3 am and my antique heater is cycling through waking me. Glad I found the origins of this noise after having the electrician, plumber, carpenter, and electric company here to investigate.


Guess I missed my calling and should have been a detective. This on top of being misdiagnosed by fl mds for a year and curing myself.

I definitely missed calling!


Oh, the beach mentality. For another blog.


On the pundit side Joe is traveling the country talking of all the good he’s done but no one listening as the rapist is hogging the media as usual.


However, I still think us gals will put him over the edge despite the polls.

Female health care is the issue, and we’re 51% of the population.


Wish they made these emojis in different colors to represent all.

I’ll have to write ✍️ Joe, he’ll get it done.

Happy Mothers Day


RFK, jr.


What a nut case. And even crazier is his VP pick who is bankrolling the campaign. She might as well throw money out an airplane window. Guess she has it to loose and doesn’t care?!.


Not only was this guy a major druggie in his formative years now he’s saying he had a worm 🐛 in his brain. And what is the problem with his voice?


He’s anti-vaccer, abortion no way despite rape, incest, or life of the mother, his own family is against him, and his last wife hung herself and he had her body exhumed and moved to another part of the cemetery away from all family. That’s cruel.


Think the worm did much more than he claims.


One good thing I’ve noticed in my neck of the woods is when his sign is planted roadside the next day when I drive by it’s gone.

If only it was the same for him.

T Minus 5

In 5 days will be doing blown in insulation with my daughter in the attic of the cabin. Have purchased the 10 bags of cellulose,

Only 4 showing

installed the baffles, covered the outlets, and final step made a box around the hatch to the attic. This was the most grueling piece.

Workspace and wall behind. Had to make enough space so I could “hop” over the box.
Duct taped all. Was always a MacGyver tv fan.

Do you remember MacGyver? Know I have the spelling wrong. He got out of every jam with duct tape. Made an impact on this single gal as between duct tape and super glue my home renovations have always been rescued. In this case also used liquid nails and found after 24 hours of curing that stuff is better than cement.

Covered Electrical Outlets
Area to be covered with 12 inch cellulose.

So stay tuned as this Mother’s Day gift 🎁 of assisting with blown in insulation may go down in history as a top 10 gift from my daughter.


Update..she’s got some potential gigs forthcoming in June. Thanks for asking. Something to do with a golf tournament and erecting 🏕️ tents. 🏕️ . It’s a job..


On the pundit side…

The rapist’s trial continues and now we even have the youngest of the royal family of liars in the mix. baron will be a fl delegate at the convention or is it the unconventional?


Wouldn’t it be funny if he didn’t vote for dad?


And marjorie red has fallen from grace. Looks like she’s joined the ranks of sarah flush. She’ll be taking the same course….downward.


Falling Leaves, appropriate wouldn’t you say?

And I like to “leave” things on a positive note.


This 500 day resident of a Michigan animal shelter has found a new home. He is adjusting well to his new habitat.


Glad Kristi Noem didn’t adopt him.


What a sweet face, good luck to Toffee, and his new owners.

See you tomorrow..

Taylor Swift for President?


Did you see that Minnesota passed the Taylor Swift Law where fees for ticket costs are disclosed prior to purchase?


This needs to be a federal law.


I recently purchased a Broadway ticket for a preview and the ticket cost was equal to the fees.


Did I purchase from that vendor?

Hell, no!


Come on Taylor, let’s close this election down.

Endorse Joe!

He’s such a decent man and doing a great job!

Christmas in May


Today was a whirlwind day at the cabin and boy am I grateful.


My new female electrician completed all electrical needs in less than 4 hours. I parted ways with the former electrician who I had spent 6 weeks with and over 3 grand. Lovely fella but when I stayed and watched the workflow I was amazed. Spent 2 hours working and 20 minutes of that time smoking cigarettes with his bud.


Lessons learned.

Electric is completed, skirting began to the basement, and a new floor for the bathroom imminent. Found another carpenter for the bathroom floor as I can’t split my current carpenter in half.

If only as he’s a gem.


Monday my daughter will arrive and we’ll begin the foam insulation project. Believe I have my ducks in a row on that one.


Sadly, she’s been downsized after 4 years at her current 10 month a year job. New management at Smorgasbord in the City. How hard and what long hours she put in but that’s non unionized work. Not even a week of severance. So she’s in rapid fire 🔥 mode looking for something else.

Anyone need an event planner?


So on to the news of the day. Weinstein at Rikers – they may have overturned his case but they’ll get him there..

The foot in the mouth rapist may be due on the island as well. His security team better keep eyes 👀 on him.

Putin trying to get Zelensky – my only question why doesn’t someone get Putin?

But on the bright side,,

Part time late night host Colbert is working a full week, well probably 4 shows.

Did he ever consider a substitute??

I have all kinds of ideas for this.

rapper mackleless is dissing Joe in a new song. 🎵 sezs he’s voting for the rapist. People just don’t get how hard Joe is working on this Israeli War and Blinken as well. Can’t solve centuries of hate in 6 months.


And the pandas have returned!!!

Wonder if China retrofit them with sensors to steal our technology?


See you tomorrow.

Sunrise from the cabin

Baffle Day

Do you baffle? Do you know what a baffle is? Let me enlighten you,,,

A baffle is a device that directs air flow.

Wish I could have gotten the pink, only black in store.

Baffles are placed on the rafters to ensure air flow in the attic. Who knew an attic needs to breathe!

Did you?

I have become intimately involved with my attic spending so much time there. All this is to prepare for the ultimate climax, the application of cellulose insulation. My daughter is visiting on Monday and she will assist as my Mothers Day gift.💐💝🧧🎁

On the pundit side Joe is ahead 4%..

Prayers answered.

Old Museum Village

Have you ever rode past a place and never gone there?

Well, that’s what happened today when I went to see the well acted play Steel Magnolias at the Museum Village’s community playhouse.

Some pictures of the historic village..

Gift Shop
Blacksmith Shop
Log Cabin and note the lovely lilacs of which I partook, (stole)😀.
More historical structures

Looks like a fun place for a history buff like me to visit. Will have to add it to the list, and as I said their community theater was sublime.

And they even provide dessert at intermission.

Nice touch.

Benmarl Winery

Taking a break after a long day of insulating the cabin attic ends. Will be doing blown in insulation with my daughter on Mother’s Day. Trying to save a few bucks as the quote was $1880. And to rent the equipment and get the insulation is $300.

View from the vineyard grounds

It is a spectacular view of the Hudson River from the vineyard grounds with reasonable food and drink prices. Comedy show only $25., so a great night out and only an hour away. Think I’ll look into their other events.

View from the deck

On the pundit side still chatter about Hope Hicks tears and the like. Hope they can find an orange jumpsuit big enough for the rapist.

As usual, stay tuned. 📻📻📻📻📻📻

catholics for the rapist

Photo by Michael Morse on Pexels.com

In a recent poll 45% of catholics are for Joe and 55% are for the other. All I can say is I’m glad I left the church. Unbelievable. Craziness.

That’s all I have to say on that, in the meantime, cabin update..

  • I have water
  • I have hot water
  • I have new windows
  • I have upgraded electric

And to come..

  • Skirting for the cabin
  • Insulation for the cabin, attic, and skirting
  • Survey of land
  • Well
  • Bathroom flooring


  • Windows for the porch
  • Garage
  • Bathtub

Life is good